Blog posts from October 2014

A new versioned schema for DBIx::Class

Some time ago I used Jifty to create a number of dynamic websites and loved the way Jifty::DBI handled schema changes so I thought it was time something like this came to DBIx::Class. The result:


Here's the talk I presented at the Perl Dancer Conference 2014:

A new versioned schema for DBIx::Class

Hopefully at some point I'll pull some of that talk into this blog post.

Posted on 9 October 2014 by SysPete [Permalink]

Securing your Dancer app

Here is a link to a talk I gave today at the Perl: :Dancer Conference 2014:

Securing your Dancer app - keeping out the bad guys

The Attackers are Winning

"On the internet right now, the attacker has the advantage and will for the foreseeable future."
— Bruce Schneier, AppSec USA, 18th September 2014
Posted on 8 October 2014 by SysPete [Permalink]